Monthly Archives: January 2018
How to upload and edit on the YouTube Channel
Click on the PowerPoint below to find out what the students learned in the Talavera workshop.
Creating a Europass CV
Click on the PowerPoint presentation to find out what the students learned in Talavera about the Europass CV.
How to use the WordPress and eTwinning
Click on the link below to open a PowerPoint presentation on how to use two of the key tools of the CDYF project:
future in progress
Talavera Workshop – January 10th-14th, 2018
Here is the link to the eTwinning collaborative project done by the students during the Spanish workshop.
Exercise with Augmented Reality
- Let’s watch this video:

- Now, could you describe what is happening?
- Search a definition of “Augmented reality”
- Take a look at the following video:

- Find an example of Augmented reality such as Pokemon Go video game and explain how it works.
Aurasma Software – Augmented Reality
- Download and install Aurasma / HP Reveal to your mobile phone
- Create your account and confirm your email address
- Let’s watch the following video:
Data Not Found.
Embed not found. Wrong youtube id or video doesn't exist.
- Download file to your computer
- and login
Create your own film Aurasma. Choose a picture and download a related video. You can use this web page: