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Aurasma / Aumengted Reality

Thursday 15th March

Today we continued somes tasks.

We  principaly worked about the finishing of our lexicon, We also worked on our “how to do” about CV,e_twinning or creation of a Youtube channel . We started the presentation of our reflection about the guide for Poland.

Conference of Mr. Ignacio A. Martínez Sánchez

Next Thursday, March 8, we will receive the visit of Mr. Ignacio A. Martínez Sánchez in our Center. Professor of the Departament of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics of the Faculty of Physical Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

.Ignacio Martinez11.png

Graduated in CC. Physics, has participated as a researcher in multiple projects and studies. He has published numerous scientific articles in prestigious journals such as:

  • The Royal Society of Chemistry,
  • Physical Review Letters 
  • American  Physical Society entre otras.

His journey as a researcher has led him to collaborate with institutions such as the MIT (Technological Institute of Massachusetts) or the Max Planck Center and travel several countries from Germany or France to Mexico or the United States.

He completed his Doctoral Thesis in 2016, qualified as Cum Laude and obtaining Extraordinary Prize. Currently working at the Complutense University of Madrid, in a research group on DNA.

Conferences of Academic and University Orientation (March 20 and 21, 2018)

Do you know what you are going to do next year?

The IES Ribera del Tajo invites students, teachers and families from Talavera and Comarca to the Academic and University Orientation Days to be held on March 20 and 21 at the Palenque Theater, with the assistance of 6 universities and speakers from various organizations who will give talks about university studies and Vocational Training.

Check here the program and register in this link.

Hurry, limited places!


An exciting new Erasmus+ project connecting schools from France, Germany, Poland and Spain